Award Criteria
All nominees will be assessed on the following which includes a citation to support the nomination and how it merits consideration for the Award by our iEM Board of Advisor(s):
1. Mission & Values | 10%
What are the primary objectives of the company?
Who are the target audience?
Clarity of mission and commitment to create positive impact
2. Product / Service | 20%
Provide a clear rationale of why the Product or Service was chosen to aid the objectives of the company.
Outline how it was developed to conceive an impactful and meaningful idea.
What was the core insight and Unique Selling Point which you based your Product or Service on?
3. Impact & Sustainability | 50%
Future Proof – how far ahead is the business ahead of the business curve with the adoption of forward thinking strategies.
Crisis Proof – will the business be able to withstand impending economic crisis that may befall it? How?
Massive Value – Does the business provide massive value to the world? How?
International – what is the scalability of the business?
4. Potential Growth | 20%
What are the future prospects and achievements of the company?
Give clear evidence / metrics demonstrating its performance.
Provide a case study for why you believe this qualified for a iEM Gold Ocean Award.